SHTF Disease TB With Herbs

A. Barberry Barberry or Berberis vulgaris is highly effective in relieving TB symptoms and is used to complement conventional treatment. The active ingredient in barberry is berberine which has bacterial properties and aids in killing the tuberculosis bacteria. B. Horsetail The scientific name of Horsetail is Equisetum arvense, and is available as an extract, powder or capsule. TB reduces silica content in the bones and horsetail can replenish this depletion as it contains large amounts of silica and smaller amounts of calcium. Fifteen types of bioflavonoids are also present in horsetail. C. Garlic Garlic has anti bacterial properties -- it inhibits the mycobacterium tuberculae through the active ingredient Allicin. It also has anti fungal, anti parasitic and anti bacterial properties. One good way to prepare it is by boiling the garlic cloves in water and milk and drink it. D. Ginseng Ginseng contains compounds that strengthen pulmonary function, reduce coughing as well as strengthen the immune system. Ginseng has adaptogenic properties, which means it increases the body's resistance to stress, fatigue and infections, and there are few side effects even if the dosage is exceeded. E. Pineapple juice This mixed with a dash of salt, pepper and honey, should be consumed once a day. This concoction helps dissolve the mucus in the lungs. F. Licorice Licorice soothes throat pain and alleviates coughing in TB patients. Licorice contains 10 antioxidants, at least 25 fungicides ...

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